For the last 25+ years Omar Jermaine has worked as a "Ghost Designer" for several brands that have helped shape his view of the world through the lens of fashion. Early in Omar's career, he played an integral creative role in brands like ENYCE, ROCAWEAR, and SEAN JOHN. Many brands since his early days including ROBERT GRAHAM have refitted from his knowledge of tailoring, knitwear expertise and merchandising acumen. Omar developed his own unique style influenced by architecture, origami, and technology.



As an innovative Fashion and Graphic Designer/ Muralist, Atiim has an industry career spanning over two decades of design creativity and technical execution for several mainstream, urban/ streetwear brands and celebrity clientele. A short list includes: THE GAP, STARTER BRAND, and UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP. His masterful usage of color, keen sense of style and adaptability, along with an ability to identify and forecast trends are key strengths in providing strategic service and products for various markets.

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